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“For you to be making 20 percent net profit on any rate of advertisement you place for any foreign company means you have to propose to at all major newspaper company in Nigeria that you wish to be bringing business for their of which you will be given 10% on any business you bring”

You are going to propose to the marketing manager of such newspaper companies or electronic media companies they will definitely accept and approve your proposal because they know you want to make money for them.

To write such proposal call Ifeanyi on 08033038388.

Using this approach means you will be making N5,000 from these foreign companies and you will also be making another N5,000 from the newspaper companies or electronic media companies totaling N10,000.00 and if you can find 20 companies every month that is N200,000.00 net profit for you isn’t this a deal worth working on?


All your negotiation with these foreign companies will almost all the time be via email of your website.
You are going to cost the entire advertising rate in your proposal which is why you have to call ifeanyi on 08033038388 or so that he can put you through


Making money from this kind of Internet/online business is real it’s just that the business is not yet common in Nigeria but very common in South Africa and Zimbabwe.
If foreign companies can be advertising on newspapers and on electronic media in South Africa and Zimbabwe that are not as populous as Nigeria, a country of 140 million people, then why cant you provide that service which I can tell you will be highly welcomed by these companies.

You have almost nothing to loose, why? you need just N10,000 – N15,000 to start this business. Why not take the initiative, break the inertia and start this business. It’s yours for taking.

You should be informed that we are living in an information age where crazy, off-the-board; out-of-this-world ideas work.

Moreover, the world is now a global village; business transaction can no longer be restricted to borders and by borders. Thank God for the Internet

The Internet remains the only tool an average person man can make use of to leverage himself to become a millionaire within a few month investing little or no capital.

There is money on the Internet. You can become a millionaire within 6 months as a freelance advertising agent that specializes in advertising foreign companies on Nigeria newspapers or electronic media.

Start this business now and start making cool money, you don’t have to get an Internet access, you can be operating from any cyber cafe.

Start Making money now !!    For more information  Visit  and also
Re: How To Make Money Online Legitimately Here In Nigeria by coolskeelz(m): 12:21pm On Jul 31, 2008
Gonorrhea,u asked if i make moey online,i make money everyday from my websites.


or do you think these sites are for fancy?it shows that some people still do not believe that money could be made online legally,then all we have been saying here has not imparted many,we still have a long way to go in educating Nigerians about online business.

Lupet,u want to drive traffic to your site and know more about adsense.

well this new ebbok i wrote will be handy and useful for you.
go to and learn more.

can call me on 08052207809
Re: How To Make Money Online Legitimately Here In Nigeria by ztyle(m): 8:53pm On Jul 31, 2008
I guess blogginq! cool
Re: How To Make Money Online Legitimately Here In Nigeria by coolskeelz(m): 9:19pm On Aug 02, 2008

The way business is done today is quite different from what it used to be several years ago.
Successful businesses that have stood the test of time are those that have always followed the trend.

With the technological advancements today, business is done at the speed of thought. Relevant information is now at the tips of any knowledge- driven entrepreneur or manager. It is quite easier now for one to build a successful business especially using the Internet as a tool.

One of the ways in which you can build a great business is by following the Web trend. The Internet has really changed the way business is done today; many still have not come to the realization of this fact.

This article is meant to show you what the trends are online, businesses that have benefited from the trend and what the future trends would be. As an effective manager, you will need to fashion your business towards these ideas.

What is a Web Trend?
A web trend is simply the various ways the internet is used as a business solution. It is the pattern of doing business on the web at any given period. Web trend can also be regarded as the current era of the web, what is in vogue online. This is determined by what the Internet users want and how they want it. Right now web users are yawning for high personalization online. They need particular and specialized services as the day goes on.

If you can determine what millions of people using the web want, and you give it to them the way they want it at a good price regularly, you will be successful online. This is the secret of online wealth creation.
With the web trends you can build a new business to serve the need or adapt your already existing business to suit the trend.

The Current Era of the Web and its Business Potentials

Presently, the Web is mostly accessed via a computer. The Internet has gradually changed from not only being an information center to being a business center.

The current era of the Web for business purposes is known as the Web 2.0 era. This is a term used to describe the trend in the use of the Internet these days which enhances creativity and information sharing for business and personal purposes.

According to Tim O’Reilly (an Internet technology expert):”Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the internet platform, and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that new platform.”

Web 2.0 is not a technical update in internet technology rather it is the change that has occurred in the way businesses are fashioned on the Internet to suit the end-user and solve problems better.

Some of the characteristics of this era, include; rich user interface and experience, High level of user participation, dynamic contents, scalability (ability to grow within a short period), openness, freedom, collective intelligence.

The features of this trend are social networking for business and relationship, this brought about the success of social networking websites like, and others.

This is the era of search engine growth like the Google, Yahoo!, Live search and other search engines. It is an era of online media examples are the Youtube (a video website) Flickr –a picture sharing web community. This is also the time for great e-commerce breakthroughs like the, Ebay.We also have Wikis, Weblogs, Forums.

As the present trend is the determinate of what type of business thrives online, if you build your business around these features of web 2.0 you will make a fortune online.

Use Emerging Web trends to Build Your Business
Going by what the times are, in a short the computer will not be the only tool to access the Web. The Internet will mainly be accessed through mobile devices e.g. (the iphone) and even through television sets e.g. the Xbox live 360.

The internet will basically be incorporated into everything we do and we will live a weblifestyle.Build your online business are the following future trends.

Mobile Web
Rich internet applications will be incorporated into mobile devices. This is already a big business in parts of Asia, Europe and the US. The internet will be accesses via mobile devices providing personalities services like online shopping, social networking, and finding directions.

This is going to bring collaboration between mobile operators and Internet companies. This will bring great mobile devices more powerful than what we have already. Businesses like mobile advertisement and other mobile related businesses will thrive.

Online Video/Internet TV
This is a trend that has already exploded on the web in some developed nations. This will bring about the advent of Internet TV stations, terrestrial TV stations will have to adapt then.

International Web Market
The use of Internet in Africa, India, and China will improve tremendously in no distance time because statistics have shown that the web 2.0 websites are mainly used by people from these nations. As a result of this, Nigeria will become an international web market giving netpreneurs and businesses great opportunities.

Websites as Web Services
In the near future, websites will transform into offering web services beyond online. The computer and the Internet will have an artificial intelligence that will be used to solve human problems faster and better than we have now.

In conclusion, you should know that the future of web-based businesses in Nigeria is bright. Though we have several limitations especially the high cost of internet access to Nigerians.

If the Nigeria Communication Satellite (NIGCOMSAT) which is supposed to provide Nigerians with affordable Internet services is fully deployed and is working, the these trends will be achieved with reduced stress and expenses.

Think of ways you can follow the trend and build your own empire like the yahoos! of today.
Re: How To Make Money Online Legitimately Here In Nigeria

Every business needs advertisement except your business is offering a product or service for just your household. Even personal brands are advertised these days. By personal brands I mean individuals. They advertise themselves in one way or the other to increase visibility.

No matter what your advertising budget is, you have to do effective advertisement for your business for it to grow while you make more money. Effective advertisement must not be expensive rather it has to be targeted. That means the right people will see the advert: people already looking for your product or service. It is about choosing the right medium to advertise, giving the right communication and achieving your result of increased sales.

This is what advertising your business on the Internet can offer you. Entrepreneurs, managers, organizations will maximize the use of the Internet to improve their businesses if they understand that the Internet is a marketing tool which will help reach their targeted customers. Not only that you will reach your market, it will afford you instant interactivity with them. Advertising your business online is quite cheaper than most offline adverts.

Online advertisement in developed countries has huge potentials both for the advertisers and the advertising firm. Recently, I was going through some information online, and found out that Barack Obama –one of the US presidential candidates, did more online advertisement than Hilary Clinton. He actually ranked very high with the search engine results and that translated into his winning. That is the extent online advertisement can contribute to ones success.

Here in Nigeria, online advertisement is a gold mine waiting to be tapped. The future is bright I must say if we can embrace such opportunity and take our businesses online for additional profits.

Effective Methods of Online advertisement.
These are different ways in which you can advertise your business on the web even if you have a shoe string budget.

Get a Website
Your online advert campaign cannot be effective if you don’t have a website. I have through previous articles educated you on the need to have a website for your business. Your website will show case your product or service. It is not as expense as you think to have a simple website. With your website, other online advertisement will be easier and will also achieve greater result.

Submit your website with the search engines
The battle about online visibility is won and lost with the search engines. Over 80 percent of web users use the search engines. Ones your website is up and running, submit it to the search engines like Google, Yahoo!, Live search and others. The search engines will automatically index your business to their directories and other websites on their list.

Advertise with Popular Websites
Popular websites that have millions of users are good places to advertise. You will leverage on the traffic they have. Different types of adverts are accepted, you can have a banner of your business placed strategically on such websites like Yahoo, Google, Facebook. You could also put a link to your site for free on these websites:,

In using this method, you have to choose the right website that has your target customers.

Use Online Article Databases
I submitted an advertisement in one of the article databases about two years now and up till today I get responses from that advert. That is how important and useful this method is, it demands that you write an article about your business putting your contact and submit to websites that accept articles from businesses. They will upload your article on their website and that will bring businesses to you as long as their website is still running on the web.

Use Email Marketing
Get an email database (opt-in list) of your targeted market and send them a marketing message about your business.

Send Online Press Release
Send out press release about your business, use the following websites:,,,

Advertise your business with online magazine (e-zines) and newsletters.
Advertise with e-zines that are for your business area, also use newsletters to let people know about your business.

Use targeted online discussion boards called forums to advertise. Such as

Do Web SMS Adverts
Send your advertisement from the web to a database of targeted customers. With this, your advert goes straight from the web to your prospects phone.
Go to to use this method.

Re: How To Make Money Online Legitimately Here In Nigeria

Basic Principles that Guarantee the Success of Your Online Business
These basic principles of online business are the bedrock on which a successful online business is built. Your success in online business simply lies in your ability to understand and follow these simple principles.

Knowing and following the foundation and rudiment of the business helps you create internet wealth within a short period of time. Frankly speaking, the whole idea of making money legitimately online understands how the online business works and then you use it to model your own business. Simple!

The principles am going to share with you here are the same principles We have used to grow our own online business from the scratch within a short period of time, it gave us focus and direction, it also removed ‘guess work’ and the pitfalls of online business because we know exactly what we are doing.

You will be more confused if you get online to do business without being focused. This is important because there are billions of businesses competing with you, so you can’t afford to miss it. You really cannot go wrong with these concepts if you understand and do them.

In online business, you are faced with the challenges of
1. How to find and keep the right customers for your product or service
2. How to increase the number of your customers.
3. How to make your customers buy your product often to increase sales.
4. How frequent those customers come to do business with you.

The way you master and overcome these challenges differentiates your online business. This is where your success lies, if you can’t provide answers to them always, your business will suffer.

Find the Right Customers and Give Them the Right Product
When starting any online business, your very first task is not to develop a product or service to sell. It is not what you sell that matters, anything can sell on the internet with the right customers who are in need of that product or service.

So your very first assignment is to look for what people want and give it to them, wow! This sounds very simple, but that is it, as simple as that. You have to be sure of the area you want to play in. Then find answers to the following questions:

1. Who are my target customers?
2. What do they want?
3. How can I encourage and motivate them to buy my product or service now and always?

These questions can be answered properly with good marketing strategies. Effective marketing that gets result for you is simply your ability to motivate people who need your product or service to buy and always buy from you. Therefore internet marketing involves setting up automatic and repeatable system online which creates the environment where people want to buy your product or service instead of you having to sell them.

Be Committed and Consistent in Your Business
Use is the power of commitment and consistency in your internet marketing campaign. Always p

ersuade your prospects through your marketing messages to buy your product or service.

Sometimes before you could convince a prospect to buy your product you must have sent them not less than seven messages.

In your message, make them take steps gradually, when a prospect agrees to take a baby step with you, they will take further steps with you if you are consistent.

If you provide proofs that your product or service is in high demand by a large number of people, it will make your prospect say yes more easily. Provide testimonials to show acceptability and build credit for your business. People will always go for hot products.

Try as much as possible to prove to your prospects that you are an expert; people love to deal with an expert because it reduces their chances of failure.

Do this by writing articles about your product, making posts in forums about your product, do press review of your product, and conduct seminars and training. All these boost your image.

Use the Power of Scarcity and Urgency
Another important strategy that works like magic online is the power of scarcity and urgency. You will make more sales if you include in your marketing message that your product is just for a limited time. Put deadline to offers you are making, this will force your prospects to make decisions to buy.

Your marketing message must be valuable enough to induce people to read it, it has to be short and clear so that they can read it and not think of saving the message to read it later because if they save it, they wont read it again.

Create curiosity in the minds of your prospect, offer them surprises in your message. Let them always look forth to getting your message.

Curiosity is a powerful motivator so use it. Put something in your message for the prospect to do, make it interactive where you get feedback from them, you can ask them to suggest the price they want for the product, you can include special tips in your message for them, put a money-making idea, joke, quote etc to spice up your message and give it a human touch.

Use the Concept of Viral Marketing to Expand Your Online Business
The concept of viral marketing in online business is got from the biological way in which virus attaches itself to its host and spreads rapidly.

Your online business should grow rapidly like a wild fire by simply attaching your advert about your business on any message you are sending out. This enables your business to spread by word of mouse.

For effective viral marketing, you must give away freebies in form of e-books and articles to your prospects, it is in these free stuffs you are giving out that you will attach your advert which now becomes the viral element.

You will have a positive buzz if you ask your prospects to reprint your articles and ebooks, include your ad in all the freebies, ask them to also give it away to their friends and prospects alike.
This concept was used by Hotmail (a free email service) to become the world’s fastest growing company within a three year period.
Use these methods to improve your success online.
To your business Success!

Re: How To Make Money Online Legitimately Here In Nigeria

The problem I have noticed really with the online business for people in naija is how to get the payment and how to get accepted into this various affiliate programs. A good solution might be to have a friend open the account for you who is in the US or set up a co affiliate with someone in which you use their affiliate id and you get paid for your part buy the use of a sub id, the problem here might be trust issues. Another good option is writing for blogs.

please make sure you comment --share ---rate before you leave and keep comming back for more
thanks for reading

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