This post is intended to let you know some simple tweaks on your pc that would help your pc/computer noot faster. Follow the steps accordingly. 1. Boot your pc. 2. Click the Start Menu, then click on Run, type msconfig and press the Enter key. 3. A dialogue box would appear. Then click on the last tab known as Startup tab, then click on Disable All, only tick the checkbox next to your Anti Virus if you have any, click on APPLY then OK. Feel your pc’s booting speed up.
This post is intended to let you know some simple tweaks on your pc that would help your pc/computer noot faster. Follow the steps accordingly. 1. Boot your pc. 2. Click the Start Menu, then click on Run, type msconfig and press the Enter key. 3. A dialogue box would appear. Then click on the last tab known as Startup tab, then click on Disable All, only tick the checkbox next to your Anti Virus if you have any, click on APPLY then OK. Feel your pc’s booting speed up.
The lnk virus talking acts by installing itself in your external drive, hiding your folders as system protected files and then creating false folders with the exact same icon and name which serve as shortcuts to the virus itself. As you say you already removed it, all you have to do is change your folders back to a normal state. Here’s how you do it (assuming you’re using Windows): 1)Open up Folder Options (you can find it in the Control Panel or under the “Tool” menu on Windows Explorer); 2)Click on the “View” tab; 3)You will see a list with a lot of checkboxes, go ahead and check “Show hidden files and folders”. Also make sure you uncheck “Hide protected system files”; 4)Now go to your external drive and you will see your folders back. Unfortunately, they cannot be changed back into regular folders manually (at least not in an easy way), so you will have a bit more work to do here. You have to create new folders somewhere else in your computer, (for example, inside a “usb backup” folder in My Documents) with the same names of the folders the virus affected. Ignore any folder with weird names (e.g folders you didn’t have before catching the virus), as they may still contain undetected malware. You can also ignore the “RECYCLE” folder, as it is automatically created by the system if needed; 5)Now you can copy the contents of each individual folder into its duplicates, as the files itself will probably be untouched by the virus; 6)After you’ve finished copying the files, backup the files you still have in the drive’s root folder (the one you first open when browsing your external drive), again ignoring any files with weird names, for the same reasons above. 7)Now, as a last safety measure, format your drive, to make sure you get rid of any possible virus. 8)Finally, copy your files back into the drive and you are good to go!
The lnk virus talking acts by installing itself in your external drive, hiding your folders as system protected files and then creating false folders with the exact same icon and name which serve as shortcuts to the virus itself. As you say you already removed it, all you have to do is change your folders back to a normal state. Here’s how you do it (assuming you’re using Windows): 1)Open up Folder Options (you can find it in the Control Panel or under the “Tool” menu on Windows Explorer); 2)Click on the “View” tab; 3)You will see a list with a lot of checkboxes, go ahead and check “Show hidden files and folders”. Also make sure you uncheck “Hide protected system files”; 4)Now go to your external drive and you will see your folders back. Unfortunately, they cannot be changed back into regular folders manually (at least not in an easy way), so you will have a bit more work to do here. You have to create new folders somewhere else in your computer, (for example, inside a “usb backup” folder in My Documents) with the same names of the folders the virus affected. Ignore any folder with weird names (e.g folders you didn’t have before catching the virus), as they may still contain undetected malware. You can also ignore the “RECYCLE” folder, as it is automatically created by the system if needed; 5)Now you can copy the contents of each individual folder into its duplicates, as the files itself will probably be untouched by the virus; 6)After you’ve finished copying the files, backup the files you still have in the drive’s root folder (the one you first open when browsing your external drive), again ignoring any files with weird names, for the same reasons above. 7)Now, as a last safety measure, format your drive, to make sure you get rid of any possible virus. 8)Finally, copy your files back into the drive and you are good to go!
You may have bought a HUAWEI modem from an ISP and decided to change your SIM card to use another network, only to find out that you are been asked to input your unlock key. Here is how to unlock it. Copy this address to your address bar. Huawei modem I M E I n umb e r ii. Now input your modems IMEI number so it looks like this http:// imei=357133035912053 Copy out the unlock code. When you plug in the modem with your desired Sim card, and you are asked for unlock code, input the unlock code you copied and that’s it.
You may have bought a HUAWEI modem from an ISP and decided to change your SIM card to use another network, only to find out that you are been asked to input your unlock key. Here is how to unlock it. Copy this address to your address bar. Huawei modem I M E I n umb e r ii. Now input your modems IMEI number so it looks like this http:// imei=357133035912053 Copy out the unlock code. When you plug in the modem with your desired Sim card, and you are asked for unlock code, input the unlock code you copied and that’s it.
Send Free sms with Binu 5:47 PM NO COMMENTS How to send free sms text message with Bin I came accross a simple java midlet called BINU which could be helpful in the sense that you can use it to Send Free SMS text messaageto any mobile phone accross the globe for free. Rush now to, download the application for your device. And start sending free sms right away. Note: Operator charges may ap...
Latest Free Browsing Cheats for Opera mini, Bolt, Ucweb, Mig33, Snaptu on MTN for November 2011. 12:30 PM 1 COMMENT Like 9 Because of the several reqests sent to me to make a post on this, i decided to spice up your day with some working mtn free browsing tips on the following java midlets or applications. Make sure you use MTN default configurations by default which ip is , port as 8080 and access point as . Make sure you have airtime for this free browsing cheats and tricks to work on your mobile phone. Opera mini socket:// frontquery: host: Ucweb frontquery: host: Bolt frontquery: host: Snaptu frontquery: host: Mig33 frontquery: host: Enjoy them while they last. and please do not fail to use the comment box for replies.
Latest Etisalat free browsing September Cheats Trick PC 10:00 PM 1 COMMENT Like 3 This is the Latest Free Browsing Tweak you can think of on the Etisalat network for the monrh of September 2012. This free browsing cheat code is working as at the time of post using Your Freedom on the Etisalat network. How to browse for free this September 2012 of Etisalat,MTN 1. Download the Latest Your-Freedom Software that has DNS Features Download here http://ems12.your- download/ freedom-20120621-01.exe 2. Run & Install Your Freedom on your PC after Downloading and Configure it with the Settings in other Step. 3. YF Server:- Use any of this ems 28,29,12,03,04,25 or 09.your- 4. Conn Mode:- DNS 5. Tweak:- Etisalat Nigeria 6. Tick the Box 1235678 7. Minimum Buffer Size:- 1500 8. Reconnection Delay:- 5000 9. Initial Post Size:- 20000000 10. FTP Mode:- Both. 11. SSL Protocol Version:- Any. 12. Go to Account Information, Input your Username and Password 13. You can Create your Own Account create urs here , If you need to get one. 14. Save & Exit. 15. Set your Internet Browser e.g Mozilla, Google Chrome or Opera to HTTP Proxy:- & PORT:- 8080, Tick Use for all Protocol.
Sure Ways to Make Money Online In Nigeria Nigerians have made millions on the internet, Nigerians are still making millions and they will still continue to make millions on the internet. I still wonder why I receive tons of mails from my fellow Nigerians on How they can Make Money Online in Nigeria. I have written many posts on this blog on how anybody can Make Money Online in Nigeria legitimately without involving in any fraudulent activities. Thousands of people are earning themselves thousands of naira online on a monthly basis while some earn enough online to quit their 7-7 job to become their own boss. The interesting part is that the internet is still growing and is still a long way to reach maturity. Recently, the figure of people that have access to the internet is 1.9 billion (up 120% from 2000). Can you see for yourself that the internet is a great market you must have access to? You can still have your own cash cow from the internet since the world population is 7 billion. This shows that the industry is still in its infancy and there is still a long way for it to grow. To make money online here in Nigeria is real and possible. What you need to start making money online in Nigeria is to have the right information & right mindset. Once you’re fortunate to be reading this post, I assure you that you will start making money online in Nigeria very soon. I have heard people say health means wealth. Then if health means wealth, what will poverty means then? (SICKNESS). Poverty is a sickness which you need to work upon by using an antidote to cure. Poverty yoke can only be broken by getting the right information that will assist in breaking the yoke. Remember you’re not a tree; you’re created to rule and dominate this world. Why will you accept poverty and wretchedness as destiny? One thing I want you to realize is that successful people take charge of their destiny; they don’t leave or assume it to fate. Then why must you assume poverty to fate? You don’t have to be a whizkid or programmer before you can make money online in Nigeria. Your sex, age, race are not barriers to making money online in Nigeria. Once you are able to read this short piece, your success is guaranteed. Now, I know you should be ready to leave the poverty zone for prosperity zone. Today, I will introduce you to three online businesses you can start to Make Money In Nigeria. This is one of the easiest and best businesses you can start online and it is one of the best way to Make Money Online In Nigeria . You can start selling information packages such as CD, eBook, Mp3 and many other information products online. With information marketing business, you can become rich in no time since we are in the information age, and people search for information every time. Anybody is qualified to start this type of online business once you’re ready and prepared. With information marketing business, money will keep flowing when you are with friends, sleeping, playing and lots more. If you’re interested in starting information marketing business, CLICK HERE to to get all the kit necessary to start the business. This is another lucrative business that has made millions for some. I love bulk SMS business because it is a kind of business that is less stressful but makes money. Some years back, I was in my residence thinking on how to make money. Suddenly a thought run through my heart that why can’t I start customized SMS service. Then, I use to buy SMS online and send it to friends and family. Immediately, I took an action and bold step then sent proposal to ten churches and seven schools in my environment. Out of the seven schools & ten churches I sent the proposal, only six churches and four schools accepted my proposal. When I start the bulk SMS business then, I use to pocket #30,000-#50,000 every month just for a start. But now my portfolio has grown large. The reason why I share my testimony with you is that I want you to know that you can start bulk SMS business now by sending proposals to those churches, schools, mosques, bars, offices and those places you think bulk SMS will be of benefit to in your area. The secret of my success with bulk SMS was my ability to source and get a professional and compelling proposal from an expert. My proposal with prayer does the magic. CLICK HERE to get my compelling and professional bulk sms proposals that will surely land you the job. Blogging is one of the popular and best means for Nigerians to make money online because we’ve seen Nigerians successful bloggers online making decent income monthly. Blogging is one of the easy things I believe Nigerians can do to make money online. If you want to Make Money Online in Nigeria while blogging, you have to be serious and be ready to work to pave your way up to the top among other bloggers. Blogging can be done from the comfort of your room with little or no startup capital. Below are some common ways you can use to make money from your blog: Advertising Selling your own product Affiliate Marketing …… Millions of blogs are being created daily on the internet, so if you want your blog to be successful among other blogs on the internet, you have to work very hard and be committed. You must also be ready to do some SEO (Meaning of SEO) to make your blog rank well in search engines and increase your Page Rank (PR) because in blogging, TRAFFIC =MONEY! My advice to Nigerians and everybody reading this is that if you are serious and ready to make money online , start blogging today. If you have questions you want to ask me about blogging don’t hesitate to use the comment box below. Need a professional blog? Click Here Read These: How To Create a Blog With Google Blogger How To Start Writing A Post In Blogger (Blogspot) Blog Essential Traits Of Successful Bloggers Some Useful Blogging Tips For Begginers How To Make Money By Using Blogger How To Make Money Online With Your Blog These are the three online businesses you can start with right now from the dorm of your room and become successful in Nigeria. I want you to know that money is a tree and it has seed, money also needs a fertile soil/ ground before it can yield in folds. Most have the seed but had no fertile soil/ground to plant it, while most people soil/ground are fertile but they don’t have the seed. The seed here simply means INFORMATION while the soil here means ACTION. Many people have the information, but they will never back it up with action while some are ready but they don’t have access to information due to some reasons. Finally, to be rich is not a crime, you don’t need to laboriously work hard, lucky, have a university degree before you can attain the peak of richness. The only thing you need is the right mindset and the right mindset will eventually form the right habit, as a result, the right habit formed will lead toward a financial abundance of lifestyle you always desire. INFORMATION + ACTION = $$$$ MONEY TREE $$$$ N:B – Those biggest online earners were just like you, but the difference between you and them is that they are full of ideas and passion. Most of them had no or little technical knowledge. So if you’re serious to Make Money In Nigeria, with this advice and the idea you have, you will soon make money online
25 essential BlackBerry tips and tricks
25 essential BlackBerry tips and tricks
| Tweaks, speedups, shortcuts and extra features for your BlackBerry
and they're all free You probably bought a BlackBerry for the keyboard and fantastic battery life but there's more to it than that. You can just pick a BlackBerry up and start using it, because all you need to do is press the Menu key to get the main options on every screen - but the BlackBerry OS hides a huge number of clever tricks and shortcuts that make it faster and simpler to get things done. There are some tips you won't need often - like pressing Alt, Del and the right-hand Caps key at the same time to reboot instead of just restarting; others you'll use all the time, like pressing the red 'hang up' key to get back to the home screen and clicking the spanner icon on the home screen to open Options. Here are our top 25 Blackberry tips. 1. Use the keyboard less BlackBerry has always had a QWERTY keyboard and you can type everything out in full - but you can save time with the built-in shortcuts. Press space twice at the end of a sentence to get the full stop and an automatic capital on the next word. Don't bother with apostrophes in words like I'm and isn't (type im and the BlackBerry will correct it for you); there are other handy abbreviations like 'wel' to get 'we'll' and 'il' to get 'I'll' and you can add your own with Options > AutoText. AUTOTEXT:Speed up typing by creating your own abbreviations and corrections 2. Quick capitals You don't need Shift - press and hold a letter key to type the upper case letter. 3. Skip Symbol If you're typing an email address into a field that expects an email address, don't bother looking for how to type the @; just hit space and BlackBerry with put the @ in for you. Press space when you need the . in the middle of the email address and it will fill that in, too. Do the same for URLs in the browser; pressing space fills in the periods faster than typing them by hand. 4. Fast select There's a Select command on the menu for choosing what to copy and paste - but you can make a selection just by holding down the Shift key as you scroll the trackball. 5. Keyboard shortcuts Save on scrolling by using 't' to get to the top of any email message, web page or other long screen and 'b' to get to the bottom. There are specific shortcuts for all the built-in apps like using the Mute button to pause videos or music or skipping to the next or previous track by pressing and holding the volume up and down keys (which also zoom in and out in the camera - although many apps use I and O to zoom); there's a list in the Help tool. SAVE TIME:Put the keyboard to work with shortcuts in every built- in app 6. Choose dialling or shortcuts Under Options > Phone Options > General Options you can set Dial From Home Screen to Yes or No; if you set it to Yes you can start typing a name to dial the number on the home screen, if you set it to No you can type the first letter of apps on the home screen to open them (M for Mail, B for browser, C to compose email - and oddly N for Messenger, L for Calendar and U for Calculator). 7. Web columns Press Z in the web browser to reflow the page into a column the size of the BlackBerry screen so it's easier to read; press Z again to go back to a normal page view you can scroll around. EASY READING:Switch between seeing the original layout and a version of the page reformatted as one long BlackBerry-sized column 8. Turn on JavaScript To save memory and make pages load faster, the BlackBerry browser usually has JavaScript turned off by default; use Options > Browser Configuration > Support JavaScript to turn it back on and make more pages load correctly. 9. Which browser? There are three different browsers on the BlackBerry; a WAP browser for viewing content from your mobile network, the BlackBerry HTML browser (and a hotspot browser that prioritises the Wi-Fi connection). If you have problems accessing or loading Web pages, choose Options > Browser Configuration and set Browser to BlackBerry Browser and make sure Options > General Properties > Default Browser is also set to BlackBerry Browser. 10. Don't get mobile Web sites You can also try changing Browser Identification from BlackBerry to Firefox or IE to force the full versions of specific pages to load instead of the cut-down mobile versions - but they might be slow or not load fully. BROWSER SWAP: The BBC web site always loads the mobile version on BlackBerry; if you want to see the full site, have your BlackBerry pretend to run Firefox or IE 11. Fast search You can search for contacts, messages and inside files and web pages - press S to search in contacts and messages and F to search in other apps. 12. Colour-code messages If you get both work and personal email on your BlackBerry, you can change the colour of either set of messages. Choose Options > Security Options >Information> Message Outline Colours and either Enterprise Messages or Other Messages. COLOUR-CODED:Show work and personal messages in different colours 13. Menu multi-tasking BlackBerry has had multitasking for years but it's subtly done; apps stay running so you can switch back to them (unless you run out of memory when they're closed automatically). To get back to another
app, press and hold the Menu button to get the task switcher. 14. Lock with
mute Some BlackBerrys have both a lock and a mute button on the top edge,
others - like the original Bold - only have a mute button. You can always lock
the screen by scrolling down to the Lock icon but it's faster to just press and
hold mute until the screen locks (do the same to unlock it). 15. Real convenience
There are two 'convenience keys' - one on each side of the BlackBerry; you've
probably found one of them by knocking it and hearing that irritating 'say a command'
message. If you never use voice command, choose Options > Screen/Keyboard to
change the buttons to something more useful - starting the camera, opening the music
player or launching your favourite app. QUICK START:Put two apps or commands you
use all the time at your fingertips 16. Tweak your trackball Use Options > Screen/Keyboard
and scroll to the bottom of the page to choose the horizontal and vertical sensitivity (how far
it moves across the screen when you move it) and whether you hear a click as it rolls. 17.
Turn off speakerphone The slightly confusing way to put a call on speakerphone is to use
Menu > Activate Speakerphone; the even more confusing way to turn it off is Menu >
Activate Handset - or you can use the $ key to turn it on and off. (And the $ key
produces the $ sign in email, use Options > Screen/Keyboard > Currency key to set it
to £ instead). 18. Say a command Voice command does more than voice dialling; if
you want to check your signal and battery strength you can wade through the Options
menu or you can hit the voice command button and say 'status' or 'check battery' and '
check signal strength'. 19. Say it again Voice recognition works quite well, but you can
train it by reading a list of numbers and words; choose Options > Voice Dialing> Adapt
Voice. VOICE TRAINING:Choose Adapt Voice and your BlackBerry will ask you to
read a list of sample names and numbers 20. Hidden Help The hidden 'Help Me!' screen
shows the signal strength, battery level, device PIN, free space, space in use, IMEI, OS
version, how long the
BlackBerry has been on and some other info that can be useful for
troubleshooting. View it by pressing Alt + Caps + H. MORE INFO:
The Help Me! Screen collects key information together 21. Archive,
don't uninstall Only the very latest BlackBerry models have anything like
enough memory for all the apps you want. When you run out of space,
pick the ones you use least and archive them to your microSD card (this
only works with apps from App World). Select the app in the My World
sections of App World and choose Menu > Archive; archived apps have a
green arrow on their icons and you can click them to reinstall - but you may
have to restart to archive or re
store an app. ARCHIVE APPS:You can't run apps from the SD card but you
can archive them to save space 22. Save power overnight BlackBerry is very
frugal on battery life and you can make it last even longer by having yours turn
itself off overnight and back on in the morning. Choose Options > Auto On/Off;
you can have different on and off times for weekdays and weekends. 23. Master
Control Program Use the free third-party tool MCP ( for tweaking
your BlackBerry, doing a factory reset in an emergency - or just installing updates more
easily than with the sprawling and inefficient BlackBerry Desktop software. TWEAK
BLACKBERRY:Install a new OS or tweak the modules on your BlackBerry with the
excellent Master Control Program 24. Install any app If you want to run an app that
doesn't have an installer - including alternative email clients like Astrasync and NotifySync
which RIM won't sign for installation - connect your BlackBerry by USB, switch to mass
storage mode so it shows up on your PC as a drive and copy the JAR file to the root folder.
On your BlackBerry use the Media app to open the folder and select the JAR file to install it. 25.
Save money on texts If you're sending a message to another BlackBerry user, BlackBerry
Messenger is free -but you need to know their BlackBerry PIN.The easiest way to get
someone in your contact list is to invite them. -
25 essential BlackBerry tips and tricks | Tweaks, speedups, shortcuts and extra features for your BlackBerry - and they're all free You probably bought a BlackBerry for the keyboard and fantastic battery life but there's more to it than that. You can just pick a BlackBerry up and start using it, because all you need to do is press the Menu key to get the main options on every screen - but the BlackBerry OS hides a huge number of clever tricks and shortcuts that make it faster and simpler to get things done. There are some tips you won't need often - like pressing Alt, Del and the right-hand Caps key at the same time to reboot instead of just restarting; others you'll use all the time, like pressing the red 'hang up' key to get back to the home screen and clicking the spanner icon on the home screen to open Options. Here are our top 25 Blackberry tips. 1. Use the keyboard less BlackBerry has always had a QWERTY keyboard and you can type everything out in full - but you can save time with the built-in shortcuts. Press space twice at the end of a sentence to get the full stop and an automatic capital on the next word. Don't bother with apostrophes in words like I'm and isn't (type im and the BlackBerry will correct it for you); there are other handy abbreviations like 'wel' to get 'we'll' and 'il' to get 'I'll' and you can add your own with Options > AutoText. AUTOTEXT:Speed up typing by creating your own abbreviations and corrections 2. Quick capitals You don't need Shift - press and hold a letter key to type the upper case letter. 3. Skip Symbol If you're typing an email address into a field that expects an email address, don't bother looking for how to type the @; just hit space and BlackBerry with put the @ in for you. Press space when you need the . in the middle of the email address and it will fill that in, too. Do the same for URLs in the browser; pressing space fills in the periods faster than typing them by hand. 4. Fast select There's a Select command on the menu for choosing what to copy and paste - but you can make a selection just by holding down the Shift key as you scroll the trackball. 5. Keyboard shortcuts Save on scrolling by using 't' to get to the top of any email message, web page or other long screen and 'b' to get to the bottom. There are specific shortcuts for all the built-in apps like using the Mute button to pause videos or music or skipping to the next or previous track by pressing and holding the volume up and down keys (which also zoom in and out in the camera - although many apps use I and O to zoom); there's a list in the Help tool. SAVE TIME:Put the keyboard to work with shortcuts in every built- in app 6. Choose dialling or shortcuts Under Options > Phone Options > General Options you can set Dial From Home Screen to Yes or No; if you set it to Yes you can start typing a name to dial the number on the home screen, if you set it to No you can type the first letter of apps on the home screen to open them (M for Mail, B for browser, C to compose email - and oddly N for Messenger, L for Calendar and U for Calculator). 7. Web columns Press Z in the web browser to reflow the page into a column the size of the BlackBerry screen so it's easier to read; press Z again to go back to a normal page view you can scroll around. EASY READING:Switch between seeing the original layout and a version of the page reformatted as one long BlackBerry-sized column 8. Turn on JavaScript To save memory and make pages load faster, the BlackBerry browser usually has JavaScript turned off by default; use Options > Browser Configuration > Support JavaScript to turn it back on and make more pages load correctly. 9. Which browser? There are three different browsers on the BlackBerry; a WAP browser for viewing content from your mobile network, the BlackBerry HTML browser (and a hotspot browser that prioritises the Wi-Fi connection). If you have problems accessing or loading Web pages, choose Options > Browser Configuration and set Browser to BlackBerry Browser and make sure Options > General Properties > Default Browser is also set to BlackBerry Browser. 10. Don't get mobile Web sites You can also try changing Browser Identification from BlackBerry to Firefox or IE to force the full versions of specific pages to load instead of the cut-down mobile versions - but they might be slow or not load fully. BROWSER SWAP: The BBC web site always loads the mobile version on BlackBerry; if you want to see the full site, have your BlackBerry pretend to run Firefox or IE 11. Fast search You can search for contacts, messages and inside files and web pages - press S to search in contacts and messages and F to search in other apps. 12. Colour-code messages If you get both work and personal email on your BlackBerry, you can change the colour of either set of messages. Choose Options > Security Options >Information> Message Outline Colours and either Enterprise Messages or Other Messages. COLOUR-CODED:Show work and personal messages in different colours 13. Menu multi-tasking BlackBerry has had multitasking for years but it's subtly done; apps stay running so you can switch back to them (unless you run out of memory when they're closed automatically). To get back to another app, press and hold the Menu button to get the task switcher. 14. Lock with mute Some BlackBerrys have both a lock and a mute button on the top edge, others - like the original Bold - only have a mute button. You can always lock the screen by scrolling down to the Lock icon but it's faster to just press and hold mute until the screen locks (do the same to unlock it). 15. Real convenience There are two 'convenience keys' - one on each side of the BlackBerry; you've probably found one of them by knocking it and hearing that irritating 'say a command' message. If you never use voice command, choose Options > Screen/Keyboard to change the buttons to something more useful - starting the camera, opening the music player or launching your favourite app. QUICK START:Put two apps or commands you use all the time at your fingertips 16. Tweak your trackball Use Options > Screen/Keyboard and scroll to the bottom of the page to choose the horizontal and vertical sensitivity (how far it moves across the screen when you move it) and whether you hear a click as it rolls. 17. Turn off speakerphone The slightly confusing way to put a call on speakerphone is to use Menu > Activate Speakerphone; the even more confusing way to turn it off is Menu > Activate Handset - or you can use the $ key to turn it on and off. (And the $ key produces the $ sign in email, use Options > Screen/Keyboard > Currency key to set it to £ instead). 18. Say a command Voice command does more than voice dialling; if you want to check your signal and battery strength you can wade through the Options menu or you can hit the voice command button and say 'status' or 'check battery' and 'check signal strength'. 19. Say it again Voice recognition works quite well, but you can train it by reading a list of numbers and words; choose Options > Voice Dialing> Adapt Voice. VOICE TRAINING:Choose Adapt Voice and your BlackBerry will ask you to read a list of sample names and numbers 20. Hidden Help The hidden 'Help Me!' screen shows the signal strength, battery level, device PIN, free space, space in use, IMEI, OS version, how long the BlackBerry has been on and some other info that can be useful for troubleshooting. View it by pressing Alt + Caps + H. MORE INFO:The Help Me! Screen collects key information together 21. Archive, don't uninstall Only the very latest BlackBerry models have anything like enough memory for all the apps you want. When you run out of space, pick the ones you use least and archive them to your microSD card (this only works with apps from App World). Select the app in the My World sections of App World and choose Menu > Archive; archived apps have a green arrow on their icons and you can click them to reinstall - but you may have to restart to archive or restore an app. ARCHIVE APPS:You can't run apps from the SD card but you can archive them to save space 22. Save power overnight BlackBerry is very frugal on battery life and you can make it last even longer by having yours turn itself off overnight and back on in the morning. Choose Options > Auto On/Off; you can have different on and off times for weekdays and weekends. 23. Master Control Program Use the free third-party tool MCP ( for tweaking your BlackBerry, doing a factory reset in an emergency - or just installing updates more easily than with the sprawling and inefficient BlackBerry Desktop software. TWEAK BLACKBERRY:Install a new OS or tweak the modules on your BlackBerry with the excellent Master Control Program 24. Install any app If you want to run an app that doesn't have an installer - including alternative email clients like Astrasync and NotifySync which RIM won't sign for installation - connect your BlackBerry by USB, switch to mass storage mode so it shows up on your PC as a drive and copy the JAR file to the root folder. On your BlackBerry use the Media app to open the folder and select the JAR file to install it. 25. Save money on texts If you're sending a message to another BlackBerry user, BlackBerry Messenger is free -but you need to know their BlackBerry PIN.The easiest way to get someone in your contact list is to invite them. -
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