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Nigerians have made millions on the internet, Nigerians are still making millions and they will still continue to make millions on the internet. I still wonder why I receive tons of mails from my fellow Nigerians on How they can Make Money Online in Nigeria. I have written many posts on this blog on how anybody can Make Money Online in Nigeria legitimately without involving in any fraudulent activities.

Thousands of people are earning themselves thousands of naira online on a monthly basis while some earn enough online to quit their 7-7 job to become their own boss. The interesting part is that the internet is still growing and is still a long way to reach maturity. Recently, the figure of people that have access to the internet is 1.9 billion (up 120% from 2000). Can you see for yourself that the internet is a great market you must have access to? You can still have your own cash cow from the internet since the world population is 7 billion. This shows that the industry is still in its infancy and there is still a long way for it to grow.

To make money online here in Nigeria is real and possible. What you need to start making money online in Nigeria is to have the right information & right mindset. Once you’re fortunate to be reading this post, I assure you that you will start making money online in Nigeria very soon.

I have heard people say health means wealth. Then if health means wealth, what will poverty means then? (SICKNESS). Poverty is a sickness which you need to work upon by using an antidote to cure. Poverty yoke can only be broken by getting the right information that will assist in breaking the yoke.

Remember you’re not a tree; you’re created to rule and dominate this world. Why will you accept poverty and wretchedness as destiny? One thing I want you to realize is that successful people take charge of their destiny; they don’t leave or assume it to fate. Then why must you assume poverty to fate?

You don’t have to be a whizkid or programmer before you can make money online in Nigeria. Your sex, age, race are not barriers to making money online in Nigeria. Once you are able to read this short piece, your success is guaranteed. Now, I know you should be ready to leave the poverty zone for prosperity zone. Today, I will introduce you to three online businesses you can start to Make Money In Nigeria.
1. Information Marketing:
This is one of the easiest and best businesses you can start online and it is one of the best way to Make Money Online In Nigeria. You can start selling information packages such as CD, eBook, Mp3 and many other information products online. With information marketing business, you can become rich in no time since we are in the information age, and people search for information every time.

Anybody is qualified to start this type of online business once you’re ready and prepared. With information marketing business, money will keep flowing when you are with friends, sleeping, playing and lots more.

If you’re interested in starting information marketing business, CLICK HERE to to get all the kit necessary to start the business.
2. Bulk SMS Business:
This is another lucrative business that has made millions for some. I love bulk SMS business because it is a kind of business that is less stressful but makes money.

Some years back, I was in my residence thinking on how to make money. Suddenly a thought run through my heart that why can’t I start customized SMS service. Then, I use to buy SMS online and send it to friends and family. Immediately, I took an action and bold step then sent proposal to ten churches and seven schools in my environment. Out of the seven schools & ten churches I sent the proposal, only six churches and four schools accepted my proposal.

When I start the bulk SMS business then, I use to pocket #30,000-#50,000 every month just for a start. But now my portfolio has grown large.

The reason why I share my testimony with you is that I want you to know that you can start bulk SMS business now by sending proposals to those churches, schools, mosques, bars, offices and those places you think bulk SMS will be of benefit to in your area.

The secret of my success with bulk SMS was my ability to source and get a professional and compelling proposal from an expert. My proposal with prayer does the magic. CLICK HERE to get my compelling and professional bulk sms proposals that will surely land you the job.
Blogging is one of the popular and best means for Nigerians to make money online because we’ve seen Nigerians successful bloggers online making decent income monthly. Blogging is one of the easy things I believe Nigerians can do to make money online. If you want to Make Money Online in Nigeria while blogging, you have to be serious and be ready to work to pave your way up to the top among other bloggers.

Blogging can be done from the comfort of your room with little or no startup capital. Below are some common ways you can use to make money from your blog:
Selling your own product
Affiliate Marketing ……
Millions of blogs are being created daily on the internet, so if you want your blog to be successful among other blogs on the internet, you have to work very hard and be committed. You must also be ready to do some SEO (Meaning of SEO) to make your blog rank well in search engines and increase your Page Rank (PR) because in blogging, TRAFFIC =MONEY!

My advice to Nigerians and everybody reading this is that if you are serious and ready to make money online, start blogging today. If you have questions you want to ask me about blogging don’t hesitate to use the comment box below.
Need a professional blog? Click Here

Read These:
How To Create a Blog With Google Blogger
How To Start Writing A Post In Blogger (Blogspot) Blog

Essential Traits Of Successful Bloggers
Some Useful Blogging Tips For Begginers
How To Make Money By Using Blogger
How To Make Money Online With Your Blog

These are the three online businesses you can start with right now from the dorm of your room and become successful in Nigeria. I want you to know that money is a tree and it has seed, money also needs a fertile soil/ground before it can yield in folds. Most have the seed but had no fertile soil/ground to plant it, while most people soil/ground are fertile but they don’t have the seed. The seed here simply means INFORMATION while the soil here means ACTION. Many people have the information, but they will never back it up with action while some are ready but they don’t have access to information due to some reasons.

Finally, to be rich is not a crime, you don’t need to laboriously work hard, lucky, have a university degree before you can attain the peak of richness. The only thing you need is the right mindset and the right mindset will eventually form the right habit, as a result, the right habit formed will lead toward a financial abundance of lifestyle you always desire. INFORMATION + ACTION = $$$$ MONEY TREE $$$$

N:B – Those biggest online earners were just like you, but the difference between you and them is that they are full of ideas and passion. Most of them had no or little technical knowledge. So if you’re serious to Make Money In Nigeria, with this advice and the idea you have, you will soon make money online

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