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How to Accept That Your Computer Is Slow


How to Accept That Your Computer Is Slow

Edited by Simon P, Lucky7, Teresa, Peter and 7 others
Do you have DSL or dial-up internet but just don't have the patience or time to let your computer run so slow? Sometimes you just have to face the facts and accept that your computer just isn't the fastest in the world.

Edit Steps

  1. 1
    Be patient. Don't click anything too fast or try to refresh the page. This will just confuse the computer and it will run even slower. Don't overreact; just leave the computer alone, don't click anything, the best thing to do is just to let it load.
  2. 2
    Clear your computer of all unnecessary documents. The more documents you get rid of, the more empty space you will have on the computer. Having more space on your computer will allow everything to run faster. Clear your recycle bin every once in a while to delete unnecessary files.
  3. 3
    Buy new hardware for your computer. If one part of your computer is not working well or you have an older computer, consider upgrading the part to a more up-to-date replacement.
    • Keeping your computer updated is a good way to help your computer run faster and you can do so much more!
  4. 4
    Forget videos. If you have dial-up internet, it can take up to half an hour to load one two-minute video. Unless you can leave your computer alone for hours to let it load, just forget about it. You can live without online videos.

Edit Tips

  • Get an expert to have a good, in-depth looking into the causes of it running slow. Most PC repair stores will be able to fix most problems at very reasonable rates.
  • Look around online to see on ways to improving the speed.
  • If you're that frustrated about your computer's speed, consider switching to Ubuntu or Fedora. These operating systems would probably work faster, and are free. If your computer is VERY old, consider a distro (distribution) made specifically for older computers, such as Puppy Linux, Damn Small Linux, or Lubuntu.

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