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DOWNLOAD OUR How to Create an Investment Plan for Retirement ALL IN ONE EBOOK


 DOWNLOAD OUR How to Create an Investment Plan for Retirement ALL IN ONE EBOOK


1. How to Create an Investment Plan for Retirement


You know that if you want to make it through retirement, you need to plan now. And that planning should involve an investment plan. Your goals and individual needs will be a big part of the kind of investment portfolio you have to get you through your retirement years. Here are some steps to take in order to create your retirement investment plan:


Your employer’s retirement savings plan is an essential part of your future financial security. It is important to understand how your plan works and what benefits you will receive. Just as you would keep track of money that you put in a bank or other financial institution, it is in your best interest to keep track of your retirement benefits.
Those responsible for the management and oversight of your retirement plan must follow certain rules for operating the plan, handling the plan’s money, and overseeing the firms that manage the money. You should also understand and monitor your retirement plan and your benefits. You will find Action Items in each chapter to assist you in doing this.
This booklet helps you understand your plan and explains what information you should review periodically and where to go for help with questions. It includes information on:
  • Different types of retirement plans;
  • What information you can get about your plan;
  • When and how you can receive retirement benefits;
  • What to do if you have a question or find a mistake;
  • The responsibilities of those who manage the plan and its investments;
  • Your responsibilities to understand and monitor your plan; and
  • Specific circumstances such as how a divorce or change of employer ownership may affect your retirement benefit.
Retirement Plans Covered in this Booklet
This booklet covers private retirement plans that are governed by Federal laws and guidelines in the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA)and the Internal Revenue Code. ERISA is a Federal statute that sets standards for most employer and union sponsored retirement plans in private industry and imposes responsibilities on those running the plan. Participants in these plans have certain rights as well as responsibilities.
The rules discussed in this booklet do not apply to all retirement plans. For example, the information does not apply to:
  • State and local government plans, including plans covering public school teachers and school administrators;
  • Most church plans; and
  • Plans for Federal government employees.
Also, if you are in a collectively bargained plan, the rules that apply under ERISA may be different in some cases.
The information contained in the following pages answers the most common questions about retirement plans. Keep in mind, however, that this booklet is a simplified summary of participant rights and responsibilities, not a legal interpretation of ERISA.


Avoid These Five Investment Mistakes


You know that investing is necessary if you want to efficiently grow your wealth, but the recent stock market volatility caused you to be wary of investing. However, it is folly to avoid investing altogether, and even though you might be concerned about it. Look. There is no way to completely protect yourself from the risk of loss, but there are things you can do to reduce losses. Here are five investment mistakes to avoid:

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