Need extra cash? Make money by filling out store surveys
Stores want your feedback. Many store receipts offer to enter your name into a sweepstakes if you fill out a survey about your shopping experience. Other times, getting free money may be as simple as tweeting or sharing a deal on Facebook.
"Who doesn't want to win some money?" asked Joan Altmayer.
Altmayer collects her cash register receipts and looks to see which ones offer prizes for feedback. She invests five minutes a survey, hoping some day to cash in on the prize.
"Applebees, they give you $1,000. There's a winner every day," Altmayer said.
Who wins store survey sweepstakes?
But many shoppers are leery of cash register surveys, wondering if they are giving up too much personal information.
"Most of us have never won anything," said Professor Elad Granot. "The value this has for you as a shopper is really nonexistent. You're wasting your time."
Granot said these seemingly 'winner-less contests' lead to trust issues.
"Just how real is this? Does anybody ever win?" Altmayer asked. He's only won an Arby's sandwich, and that's a given just for taking the survey.
Target, JCPenney, and Kohl's don't list winners. Target said it respects its guests' privacy. Sears requires a self addressed stamped envelope for a list of the winners.
However, Home Depot, Olive Garden, Red Lobster, Lowe's and Rite Aid list their winners online for everyone to see. Patricia Lisby was listed on the Olive Garden's website.
"I got the thousand dollars," Lisby said. "I was very surprised and very happy."
Lisby never thought an Olive Garden survey would win her $1,000 in cash. She thought the envelope with that prize money was junk mail. She didn't open it for a week.
"Something told me to open it, and so I opened it. My husband didn't believe it," Lisby said. It was real, and it has changed her opinion of those surveys businesses ask you to fill out.
"Now I think it's possible," Lisby said.
Is social media a better way to get feedback?
Professor Granot says some retailers are switching to social media for feedback and product branding. For instance, many stores and restaurants will give you a coupon if you simply "Like" them on Facebook.
After most online purchases, you'll see buttons to share your purchase on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest. Some businesses are even paying you to share their deals and product lines.
"I'm willing to give up some of my social media space for deals, no problem," Nathan Vallette said.
Vallette is trying to save money while paying off student loans. He's tweeting to save money with American Express.
"As long as you tweet the hashtag (#) and promote the company then it's automatically synced to your card. When you make the purchase you get the deal," Vallette said.
He's taken advantage of deals to fast food restaurants, clothing, movies, and concerts. Only certain companies are participating at this time, and Vallette hopes the program grows.
American Express also offers a Facebook program called "Link, Like, Love." It offers savings and rewards based on your Facebook interests and likes. Offers and deals like $10 off a $50 purchase at Cheesecake Factory on recommended for you.
The bottom line
Cash register surveys, 'Liking' stores on Facebook, and tweeting are all ways to earn free food, store discounts, or reward points. You are not going to be able to quit your job, or earn thousands every month, but its a great way to make a few bucks, so you don't waste your money.
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