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How to Install Another Carrier's or Vendor's Firmware on Your Blackberry Device


How to Install Another Carrier's or Vendor's Firmware on Your Blackberry Device
As popular and special as it is, it is now becoming more common with Blackberry to produce specific device for specific carrier like T-mobile, Vodafone, O2, Visafone, MTN amongst others, meanwhile, when ever you need to upgrade or update the Blackberry device produced for a specific carrier, you have to do that using the same firmware produced for your carrier and that's mostly difficult especially; if the firmware update for your carrier or vendor is not yet available.

Even so, as each carrier has its own special specifications, you might like a Blackberry Bold 9700 produced for T-mobile than the same Bold 9700 produced for Visafone and as a result of this, you might want to switch to another carrier of your choice.

Within this page, you shall learn how to update, upgrade or switch your Blackberry device to another carriers' (e.g.from MTN to O2).

How to Install Another Carriers' Firmware on your Blackberry Device

Follow the steps below to upgrade or update your Blackberry device:

1. If you do not have Blackberry Desktop Manger installed on your PC, download and install the Blackberry Deskop Mnager from this link.
2. Download and install the latest firmware update for the carrier you wish to install on your Blackberry device onto a PC running BlackBerry Desktop Software 6.
3. Go into c:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\Apploader and delete the vendor.xml file. (From within the AppLoader folder, press "V" to easily get the vendor.xml file
4. Disconnect your PC from the internet (e.g. unplug the network cable or your modem)
5. Open desktop Manager and connect your device
6. Follow the prompts to upgrade your device

Or, alternatively, you may upgrade your Blackberry device using Blackberry AppLoader. From the step 4 above, go back to step 3 then, click on Loader after deleting the vendor.xml file.

The rest of the process shall be handled by the app loader.

Good luck.

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