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Tips For Boosting Up Your Blog's Subscriber Base


Tips For Boosting Up Your Blog's Subscriber Base

blog subscribers
Many beginners tend to underestimate the importance of building a strong subscriber base for their blogs. A successful blog isn’t just well written and well-presented content, its maintaining a dedicated and passionate subscriber base who would read your content and spread it across their own networks. Engaged readers provide long term and reliable traffic to your blog.

While there is no denying that building a loyal subscriber base can be a tricky and long process, it can be done with dedication and hard work by the bloggers. So those who do work on it need to do it right to make sure their time is well utilized. Today we take a look at 5 Tips to boost up your blog's subscriber base.

1. Give your readers a reason to subscribe

subscribe incentive
If someone visits your blog and sees a “Subscribe” button there, he/she should know exactly what they will get from subscribing to your blog. For example, if your blog is about Internet Marketing, you should have a text that says “covers all inbound marketing, SEO marketing and email marketing”. Giving your readers an incentive to subscribe is a plus that will push them to subscribe to your site. Everybody likes free stuff, so will your readers. Offer them an exclusive ebook or something relevant on a certain topic that was not covered in your posts in return for subscribing to the blog.

2. Simpler is better

simple website design
It’s a basic rule of web design that your website should lead the user to the desired action in less than three clicks. In this case, the subscription process can be made as simple as one-click. Soon enough you’ll figure out that there are many people out there who are unfamiliar with the concept of RSS Feeds. Try explaining to them how it works and how wonderful it is. Then, of course, there are readers who simply don’t prefer RSS. In that case provide them with an alternative, most commonly, an email subscription to your blog.

3. Produce Quality Content

While it may be obvious, but no matter how great your marketing and subscription strategies for your blogs are, your readers will never return to you if they are not satisfied with the content. Try to find peak traffic times for your blog and post on those times to touch the as many readers as possible. If posting on those times is a problem for you, schedule your posts to be published, schedule your posts to be published on the specified timings. Write frequently and write well. That is the key concept.

4. Leverage Social Proof

leverage social proof
People tend to follow the masses, its human nature. That remains true in case of blogging. You can make use of this to make people subscribe to your blog. While this scheme may not work particularly well for a newer blog, it can work handsomely for a blog with a decent number of subscribers. Display the number of subscribers your blog has next to the subscribe button. Not only does this boost their confident in your blog, but also pushes them to subscribe to a blog that is followed and trusted by many.

5. Use All Available Resources

social media
Use your existing blogs, website, social media profiles to convince audience to subscribe to the blog. If you already have a subscriber base elsewhere, you can easily convince them to subscribe to the blog since they already enjoy your content. They might even recommend your RSS feed to others. Add social media sharing buttons to the blog posts. If your readers enjoyed a post, they can share it with their Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn networks and eventually some of them will end up subscribing to your blog. Let the readers do some work too.

Although there is a lot more you can do to help your blog gain more subscribers, these tips pretty much form the gist of them. So what have you done to increase the subscriber base of your blog? Let us know in the comment section below!

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