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What Causes Progress And Transformation?


What Causes Progress And Transformation?

by Louisa Chan  

What Causes Progress And Transformation?

United Buddy Bear

Happy/Healthy New Year!!
First week of the New Year has just gone by!

So how has this year been different from the last?
How is it going to be different from the last?

During the past 2 weeks I had interesting conversations with friends on projections for 2012.

One thing is for sure: there will be changes, economically and other wise.

Change happens whether you like it or not, whether you are ready for it or not [unfortunately change does not think to ask for your permission before it takes place].

But, transformation and progress do not take place automatically.
And change does not automatically bring about progress nor transformation.

We know that success, progress and transformation do not happen just because it is a New Year. There is nothing magical about the New Year (especially if you lived the last 6 days the same way you did the year before). But magical things can happen if you choose, no, pursue transformation and progress this year.

So what needs to take place in your unique processes or business [and personal life] before you can experience magical transformation and progress in 2012?

What needs to take place for this year to be healthy, productive and fulfilling year?

Love to hear from you.
By the way, United Buddy Bear arrived in Malaysia and I particularly like this one.
It is so Gaudi, so representative of Spain.
How would you want to paint your 2012?

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